Well made but beware of 15ma drain By Guest
This is a very nicely designed and well-built charger. It effectively charges LiFePO4 batteries from a vehicle cigar lighter port.
BUT -- beware that if you leave it connected with the vehicle off, the charger will suck 15ma out of the battery. So you cannot leave it unattended for more than a couple days.
In my application, I had planned to put my mobile rig in the car, powered by a LiFePO4 battery. At the same time, I had expected to use this charger to top off the battery from the cigar lighter while driving around. And it does that perfectly. But the 15ma drain means I have to unplug the charger from the battery if the car will be parked for more than a day or so. Not a huge deal, but I was disappointed that the specs don't tell you about this current drain.
I would have given 5 stars were it not for the power-off current drain.
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